Some Fun with Spell Check

Some Fun with Spell Check

WRTI Names

Ever notice when writing in a word processing document and checking it with a Spell Check type program that it wants to give you other words for people's names. Well, here's a little fun. I, Gerry Wilkinson, placed some of our different friends' last names into a couple different programs, Spell Check, Word Perfect 7 version and Win Spell. The results are posted below. All of 100% legit. Although on Win Spell, I may have hit the GUESS HARDER button to force it to give me some answers. Here's a list of WRTI names and what these spell check programs think the correct word should be.

Muderick = Meteoric, Monometric, Metric
Civitella = Capitally, Civetlike, Civilians
Cirillo = Carryall, Cereal, Charity, Cheerily, Koirala, Cruelly, Gorilla, Shrilly
Wilkinson= Walking
Bove = Love, Above, Dove, Cove, Hove, Jove, Behoove, Poe
Maslin = Marlin, Muslin, Masculine, Salienate
Cunningham=Cunningness, Sunshining, Junking
Menna = Mensa, Henna, Mean, Monomania, Menu,
Redmile, =Redemolish, Rediscovery,
Lessner = Lesser, Legioner, Lesseeship
Saperstone = Superstore, Caparison, Subversion, Superexquisiteness,
Del Colliano=DelCologne, DelSolomonian
Barton=Bartender, Freetown, Variations
Sciaky = Schick, Skokie, Skulk, Skywalk, Stucco, Stuck, Sick, Shaky, Suck, Scimitar
Ryan=Rain, Ramona
Klein=Clean, Klan, Kleenex
Cooper=Copper, Cooperatives, Goober, Gopher
Biel=Bill, Befoul, Bellow, Bible. Boil,.
Donze=Dawns, Dense, Dents, Don'ts, Bonze, Dance, Denounces, Donkey, Dunce, Timonize
Shapiro=Cheaper, Savior, Shakespeare, Subhero,
Mellman=Bellman, Hellman, Mailman, Mailmen, Million, Mellowness
Tomlinson=Timeliness, Tombstone,
Kahn=Can, Kin,
Didinger= Diviner, Tonger, Diminisher
Friedman=Predamage, Freedoms, Friendship
Mayk=Mack, Mark, Mask, Maya, Mayo, Mohawk, Muzak
Backman= Baseman, Backbone, Backgammon
Minsky=Monkey, Minstrel
Foerster=Fester, Forested, Forecast, Freshwater, Frosty
Liebman=Lebanon, Libyan
Medoff=Midwife, Modif, Motif
Sabetelli=Sabbathlike, Saberlike
Molich=Malice, Munch, Moonlike
Fiderman=Fireman, Foddering
Honnen=Honey, Annequeen
Farber=Farmer, Barber, Forbear, Forbore, Bearberry
Reese=Geese, Rehearse, Rescues, Reestablished
Regan=Began, Regimen, Regattas
Dusenbury=Disembark, Dismember
Kassi=Kiss, Sassy
Skalka=Caulk, Skylike
Shuman=Human, Shaman, Chinaman, Gunman
Itkowitz=Etches, Itches
DeMarco=Denmark, Demagog
Levit=Legit, Loved, Levitation
Bayha=Byway, Bayou

For more laughs, read Mike Biel's little ditty

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